Monday, March 12, 2007


Joy - noun; def. "a source or cause of delight".

This little guy is the third biggest joy in my life (after Jesus & my hubby). Though he and I have been through a lot in his almost 4 years of life, he remains exactly that - a joy.

We have rough days - like all families - when you can't wait for the day to end (or at least for him to take a nap).

But, there are times like these (captured in the photo), when all I can think is... "I really love my son".

And I really do.

I also have a really great husband who lets me go out all day to spend time with my friends and do nothing productive, but eat, shop, and get a soothing foot massage from the "communist lady". That's on top of being out 2 nights last week for meetings and all day Sunday so I can serve at church.

Did I mention he works 40+ hours a week, sometimes after he gets home from work, and that he is the only source of income for our family?

Yup - I got a good one! (Hubby - if you're reading this - thank you & I love you.)

Ok... lots of mushy cheese goin' on here... :)!

Oh - I should give an update on the whole house thing:

1) We have buyers for our condo (woo-hoo!) whom we had the unexpected pleasure of meeting face-to-face. They're a nice couple relocating here from Australia (via Microsoft). So far, so good.

2) And THIS ONE is the real kicker: We're under contract for the house we REALLY WANTED - the one we lost the first time around. WOO-HOO!!!!

God has a very, very funny sense of humor.

If everything works out, we'll be moving in the beginning of April.

We're not through it all, yet. We're still waiting to hear how the inspection of our condo went. After that hump, we'll be waiting to see if the buyers' financing goes through okay.

But for now, I'll just give thanks and choose to be joyful.

Even without the house, I've got more than enough reasons to have joy.

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