Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I think I have the answer to bringing an end to all of the violence in the world.

Yes. Are you ready? Are you REALLY ready for the answer to invoking WORLD PEACE?!?!?

Then find yourself a copy of "Cool It Now" by New Edition.

There's just no way on God's green earth that ANYONE can be mad, angry or violent listening to this song!

Did Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky, Mike and Ralph intend for this song to be a world peace maker? Heck NO! But goodness gracious, I swear we need to just blast "Cool It Now" on loud speakers in Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela, Sudan, Nigeria and any other part of the world in complete violent chaos. Or perhaps, I should send a copy of the song via e-mail to every leader of a country gone sideways.

We should start this in our NEIGHBORHOODS first. Can't you see gang members hanging halfway out of their cars with a gun trained on a human target hesitating, ducking back into the vehicle and then smiling...upon listening to New Edition? It's possible!

Cities and countries across the world could be TRANSFORMED if they would just listen to "Cool It Now." That goes for the song "Count Me Out" by New Edition too. Great songs that have the possibility to bring WORLD PEACE!

You just can't be angry while listening to "Cool It Now."

Music is powerful.

(Much thanks to Gerry Dove for blessing me with New Edition's Greatest Hits cd last week.)


R&R said...

"Cool it now.... slow it down!". Love that song! What about if we bring the clothes from the 80's back, too? That would be a good laugh to share. Oh wait! The 80's clothes are back... and thank God we can laugh and be grateful we don't have to dress that way anymore (yeah Ann Taylor!).

H.H. said...

Music could save the world. Too bad Ticket Tron or whoever they are make it impossible for anyone to afford a ticket to a band you like. God Bless my mp3.